Key role in biomass system

At a new, largely automated biomass heating system in France, managed by Somec, a Verlinde 6.3t EUROBLOC VT hoist dedicated to the management of green waste plays an important role in the management of a shredded wood storage area and in the continuous supply of fuel to the boilers.

In order to automate the main storage area as much as possible, it is laid out in a virtual grid pattern of thirty identically dimensioned squares. A suspended crane, with Verlinde components is fitted with a 3.5t grab, has a capacity of 5m3 for a maximum load of 1.5t and is equipped with an on-board controller on the trolley.

Long travel of the suspended crane is 30 m, cross travel 16 m at a maximum height of 13 m and is fully secure thanks to the use of at least a hundred sensors, absolute encoders and roller limit switches. For even greater safety, all devices are duplicated and the whole on-board intelligence of the suspended crane is accessible to operators.

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