High energy-saving potential

Posted on Monday 3 October 2022

HART DOOR Systems has completed its largest order for its Speedor Storm door, the high-performance exterior roller door designed for frequent use in high traffic situations and constructed to withstand harsh environments including 90mph for wind class 5.

Brian Woodcock, Hart’s regional sales manager for the Midlands and South West, says the rapid roll door, with its robustness, low maintenance and exceptional wind resistance was required for Fruehauf’s Grantham factory, Lincolnshire.

“With half a dozen major storms so far this year and more to come there is a noticeable increase in enquiries for a high speed door which can withstand exceptional weather,” says Mr Woodcock.

The order for 15 Storms is for a  pre-World War 1 building which has been undergoing phased redevelopment to create new space and streamline production. The high-speed Storms will help to reduce energy consumption, keep the building warmer and more efficient.

Mr Woodcock adds: “While its high-speed opening and closing action improve efficiency, the energy-saving potential of this rapid roll door is high, controlling internal temperatures as well as reducing escaping dirt, odours and noise.”

For more information, visit www.hartdoors.com

The facility pre-refurbishment.

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