Simple & cost effective

Specialist in bespoke and standard conveying systems, BHL Conveyor Technology has entered into a contract to supply a cost effective, conveying system that is easy to self-assemble, install and maintain.

Adaptable and flexible, the Easy range is suitable for use alongside most existing systems. As the system is standard and not bespoke, the lead time is short.

There are different options available depending on requirements and systems are designed for different purposes, making them suitable for accommodating changes in production.

For applications where more complex systems are required, the company also offers a bespoke alternative.

Published By

Western Business Media,
Dorset House, 64 High Street,
East Grinstead, RH19 3DE

01342 314 300
[email protected]

Contact us

Simon Duddy - Editor
01342 333 711
[email protected]

Liza Helps - Property Editor
07540 624 360
[email protected]

Louise Carter - Editorial Support
01342 333 735
[email protected]

Neill Wightman - Sales Manager
07818 574 304
[email protected]

Sharon Miller - Production
01342 333 741
[email protected]

Logistics Matters