Forks for safety

Vetter forks with integrated folding tip reduce damage and boost safety.

Who doesn’t know that problem? It may happen that a pallet is missed during lift truck operation. This leads to damages to the goods or packing. Consequences are annoying and expensive in best case, however, depending on the goods it even leads to safety risks.

But very often, especially the small banal accidents lead to high costs: Damaged bags or barrels, burst cartons, defective goods and leakage liquids result in trouble, dirt, rejects and re-packing.

For this reason, European fork manufacturer Vetter developed together with a well-known manufacturer of consumer goods the new CargoSaver QualityForks with integrated folding tip.

If the pallet is missed, the folding tip is activated at first load contact. The enlarged impact area on the goods significantly reduces damages – packing remains intact.

Afterwards, the fork tip automatically folds back into standard position – loading can be continued without disruption.

CargoSaver QualityForks are available in different cross-sections, capacities and suspensions and can be retrofitted to a wide range of lift trucks. Mounting and application is very simple without any tools or hydraulic.

A significant benefit of CargoSaver QualityForks is increased safety at work. They are recommended for safe transport of sensitive or hazardous goods and always reasonable where packing damages lead to safety risks, damages or dirt (sprays, chemicals, gas, paints, etc).

Advantages are obvious: reduction of rejects by damaged packing or goods, time and cost savings and increased safety at work.

Chief applications for CargoSaver are wholesaler and retailer, furniture industry, chemical and pharma sector, manufacturer of consumer goods – just to name a few.

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