Centralised recycling approach

Home, leisure and garden products retail group, The Range uses a Middleton baler and conveyor to help with an active policy on minimising waste to landfill.

The company has a centralised recycling facility that handles distribution and packaging waste from its network of over 70 store outlets, including polystyrene; paper; metal; WEEE; pallets, plastic and card.

Waste is collected and separated out at each store and returned to the recycling centre each time new stock is delivered, utilising empty vehicle capacity to maximise efficiency and reduce costs.

Central to the recycling centre, which currently processes over 4,000 tonnes of recyclable waste a year (over twice the amount of waste sent to landfill), is the Middleton HB50 automatic baler and sliderbed conveyor, supported with an annual service contract.

This bales up to 300 tonnes of cardboard a month, enough to fill a 40ft trailer four times per week, and up to 30 tonnes of clear plastic film – which is all sold on as a valuable resource.

Flexibility and reliability are crucial for the recycling team and an important factor in the choice of the Middleton HB50. 

Other benefits include:

• Ensures fast throughput.

• Gives flexibility to bale both card and plastic.

• Has a service contract which guarantees fast and efficient repairs with minimum downtime.

• Planned downtime enables easy servicing and maintenance, at convenient times.

Maintenance and facilities manager at The Range Steve Hurn says: “Middletons provide an excellent service and one that we rely on. When the main pump casing recently fractured, Middleton rapidly turned the job around – fitting a new pump, testing and checking the machine so we were back to work the same day.

“This was crucial as, without the baler, the backlog would quickly impact our distribution centre and disrupt the business.”

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