MMS for consumer devices

Peak-Ryzex has launched a fully managed mobile services (MMS) offering for consumer tablets, smartphones (Android, Apple iOS and Windows 8) and other wireless devices.

The services mirror the comprehensive managed mobility services Peak-Ryzex provides for rugged, industrial mobile devices making it the first Pan-Atlantic company focused solely on providing fully managed mobile services.

The new combined offering enables companies with mixed mobile device estates to benefit from outsourcing all their mobility needs to a single managed services provider regardless of the type of device or operating system.

The new enterprise consumer offering will provide full end-to-end solutions covering Discovery (device selection, deployment, procurement), Deployment (staging and configuration), Help Desk Support (mobile device, operating system, application, connectivity), Management (spare pool, next working day exchange, repair), Mobile Device Management (remote troubleshooting and IT policy enforcement), and Reporting/Analytics (reporting, analysis, and process optimisation).

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Western Business Media,
Dorset House, 64 High Street,
East Grinstead, RH19 3DE

01342 314 300
[email protected]

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