DHL Express increases rates by 3.5%

DHL Express has announced a general average price increase throughout Europe, effective January 1, 2015. In the UK, the average price increase will be 3.5%.

“DHL Express is committed to delivering great value for customers, and our annual price increase is one of a number of factors that allows us to ensure service excellence and a competitive offering over the long-term,” said Ken Allen, CEO, DHL Express.
“We have a world-class express delivery network, in which we invest around EUR 500 million each year. Our major investments in 2014, including new facilities in Japan, the Middle East and North Africa, upgraded facilities across the UK and additional flights in all regions, have further strengthened this network. Perhaps more importantly, we have continued to invest significantly in our employees through our Certified International Specialists program, with the aim of instilling an insanely customer-centric culture at DHL. All of these measures are focused on helping our customers connect with their international partners, grow and prosper.”
DHL Express adjusts its prices annually, taking into account inflation and other rising costs in each of the more than 220 countries and territories that it serves. Price adjustments will vary from country to country, depending on local conditions, and will apply to all customers where contracts allow.
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