EuroSort wins injunction to protect patent

At a recent CeMAT event in Germany, start-up company Smatec introduced its new sorter.

EuroSort suspected that its specific design for this involved a patent infringement and so launched a court case as this feature has been unsuccessfully copied before.

EuroSort is known for a design feature which synchronises the movement of the trays. Both sides of the tray move in an exact, synchronised motion, so that even unevenly loaded trays drop their products flat.

The major advantages of this to the user are: receiving cases are filled more efficiently as items are neatly stacked; no damage to the sorted products; no loose swinging of the tray interfering with the product flow.

In July, the Dusseldorf District court granted an interim injunction to EuroSort and under that court order Smatec is no longer allowed to offer the infringing tray design.

“This is just further proof of EuroSort’s superior sorter design and leading market position,” says the company.

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