Fast-fit floor tiles

Leading manufacturer of interlocking floor tiles, Ecotile, designs and produces its comprehensive range at its UK production facility.

ames Gedye, MD at Ecotile comments: “Our interlocking floor tiles are ideal for warehousing applications as they provide a durable and safe flooring solution that can be installed with minimal downtime and is robust enough to cope with warehouse traffic day after day.

“Many of our products can be installed without the requirement for a damp proof membrane, screed or adhesive, significantly reducing VOC emissions, installation time and cost.”

Manufactured using high grade material on state of the art injection moulding machines, the grid pattern on the reverse of the tiles ensures dimensional stability.

The pockets of air create a mini vacuum to prevent slippage, especially if there is oil, grease or water on the substrate. The grid pattern also allows the tiles to breathe – vital when installing over concrete that has not cured or where there is damp within the floor.

Energy giant, SSE, chose Ecotile for a project where speed of installation and durability of the flooring solution were vital.

Graham Woodfield, head of logistics, SSE, explains; “The installation was fast and simple and we were able to install the floor in parallel with other commissioning activities.  Furthermore, the use of heavy aisle stackers and articulated lorries within our warehouses meant that the point loading was extremely high – so we needed a flooring solution that was both robust and resistant to impact and vibration.”

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