Crown MD joins CFTS Board

Consolidated Fork Truck Services (CFTS) – the body responsible for developing and administering the materials handling industry’s national accreditation scheme for Thorough Examination – has appointed Steve Stewart, Crown Lift Trucks’ MD of UK Operations, to its board.

Chairman of CFTS, Mike Mathias, said: “We are very pleased to welcome Steve onto the Board. With more than 20 years of experience in the materials handling industry, and as the former President of the Australian Industrial Truck Association, he brings with him a wealth of knowledge and expertise. He will be a strong addition to the Board.”
Steve Stewart also sits on the board of BITA (British Industrial Truck Association), which, in collaboration with the FLTA (Fork Lift Truck Association) established CFTS (Consolidated Fork Truck Services) more than a decade ago.
He said: “It’s a privilege to be appointed to the board. CFTS plays a vital role within the materials handling industry, and is instrumental in ensuring forklifts are safe to operate.”
While LOLER-only Thorough Examinations may focus solely on a truck’s lifting parts, CFTS-accredited Thorough Examinations have been developed to meet the high standards set out by LOLER 98 and PUWER 98 – ensuring the safety of the whole vehicle. 
For more information on the CFTS standard for Thorough Examination, visit
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