Introducing Pallet Rack Direct

Kardex Stow Direct has changed its name to Pallet Rack Direct to more accurately reflect its on-going offering to the UK racking distributor market.

The change underlines the company’s focus of maintaining large stocks of Stow equipment, APR racking and Long Span shelving systems for small and medium quantity orders at ‘TRVE’ distributor pricing. This, together with its central UK location and ability to offer fast deliveries, quality products and excellent service, has been the cornerstone of the company’s success, it says.

“During the past few years our decision to provide the trade with a dedicated service for small and medium size orders and to respond quickly and professionally to all enquiries has been justified with a growing customer base,” says Howard Piper, MD of Pallet Rack Direct. “To further assist the trade and enable distributors to quickly price shelving and racking for their customers, Pallet Rack Direct will be issuing price lists for all main items that reflect a workable cost for all parties.”

Pallet Rack Direct will also offer mesh decks and frame deflector protection through its sister company B Smart Associates.

“The investment is more than a new name. It will include updated products and renewed emphasis on customer service. The rebranding illustrates how the company is continuing to evolve to reflect the changing tastes and expectations of its customers,” concluded Piper.

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