Efficient distribution of warm air for automotive supplier
Powrmatic has supplied seven NVS condensing warm air heaters and 11 CECx destratification fans to Eberspächer UK’s newly constructed warehouse and test facility at Ringwood in Hampshire. The units were specified and installed by PWB Industrial Heating Service.
Eberspächer UK is a major supplier of climate control systems to many car and commercial vehicle manufacturers – as well as a number of other transport applications. The company’s new facility at Ringwood, which has a BREEAM ‘Good’ rating, has replaced three separate facilities, bringing all of the company’s UK operations under one roof.
Eberspächer’s Paul Jarvis commented: “Energy-efficient performance for the new building was a key criterion for minimising our carbon footprint, gaining BREEAM certification and reducing running costs. In terms of the heating system, the specification was therefore for condensing warm air heaters combined with a destratification system.”
The Powrmatic heaters have been installed in the warehouse and the vehicle test facility.
“The warehouse is very high with racking up to 8 m in some areas,” recalled PWB’s Andy Royal. “We worked closely with Powrmatic in positioning five NVS 60kW heaters and nine CECx destratification fans to ensure efficient distribution of the warm air. Each heater is controlled individually via links to strategically located temperature sensors. We also provided a condensate removal system in line with the requirements of Building Control,” he added.
The vehicle test area is used for testing climate control systems in a variety of environments, including hot climates. For this reason the system needed to create room temperatures of up to 45° C, which is being achieved by one 90kW NVS unit and two CECx destratification fans.
Paul Jarvis continued: “We have been very pleased with the installation and the service we received from PWB and Powrmatic, as well as the performance of the heating systems.