Drum mixer units

Adding to its range of drum handling products, STS is reported to be enjoying success with its range of Drum Mixing units. The standard models tumble 200 litre drums end over end through 360 degrees offering a fast and efficient way of mixing chemicals.

Most recently units have been supplied for a brand new factory being built in Baku (Azerbaijan) for the Shah Deniz stage 2 project.

The STS DME01 electric drum mixer and the STS DTP04 and DTP05 de-palletisers are at the heart of the project, as the specialised engineering chemical system needs mixing before being introduced to the machines which then add thermal insulation to the subsea pipe line, joints, bends and manifolds.

The mixers were supplied to CTM Equipment, the machinery supplier for this installation, working with Trelleborg Offshore UK, which is working with Bos Shelf and BP as their operators out in Baku for an estimated five years.

The Shah Deniz project is the biggest Offshore energy project in the world at the moment; Stage 2 involves running over 4000 km of gas pipeline from Azerbaijan to Europe.

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