Evaporative advantages

EcoCooling direct evaporative cooling can be used as an alternative to air conditioning in warehouses, reportedly providing 90% energy savings at a fraction of the capital cost of a traditional air conditioning or ventilation system.

A simple system of just one unit can provide up to 30kW of cooling from just 1kW of electricity and can cover an area of 250m2 or a 15m diameter circle in a typical warehousing or logistics operation. The only service requirements are 240v electricity and a mains water supply.

According to EcoCooling, evaporative coolers are safe, cost effective and require only simple maintenance. Their low power usage has little impact on the site maximum demand and can release power availability if it is used to replace refrigeration. Advanced control systems connect to any existing BMS system.

There are no refrigerants and the installation cost can be up to a quarter of the cost of traditional systems. Installation in most cases is quick and entails minimum, if any, disruption to production. EcoCoolers can also provide air flow through the side or top, allowing installation to be flexible and cheaper when roof penetration is not an option.

In one example, Net- A-Porter.com installed 4 roof mounted EcoCoolers along with 8 extraction fans to provide cool air both above and below their mezzanine floor -the temperature in the warehouse is now always below 23˚C even on the hottest days providing comfortable working conditions all year round.


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