Measures temperature & humidity

The Onset HOBO MX1101 Temperature/RH data logger from Tempcon transmits data to mobile devices via Bluetooth Smart technology.

It works with Onset’s HOBOmobile app for iOS and Android, making it easy to configure and manage data right from a phone or tablet. No internet access, cables, or PC are required.

The MX1101 is ideal for measuring temperature and humidity in hard-to-access places, like cold storage rooms or food warehouses.Users can set the MX1101, check its status, and read out data, all from any mobile device over a 100-foot range without ever coming into contact with the logger.

Key Advantages of the HOBO MX1101:

  • Bluetooth Smart enabled for a mobile phone or tablet
  • Download data any time from 100 ft. away
  • Set real-time alarms for temp/RH variations
  • Works with Onset’s HOBOmobile app for iOS or Android
  • No internet access, cables, or PC required
  • Easily share data with other apps
  • Set up and start monitoring in minutes

Published By

Western Business Media,
Dorset House, 64 High Street,
East Grinstead, RH19 3DE

01342 314 300
[email protected]

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