Power-float floor sealer

Developed to help preserve the finish and durability of a power-float polished, concrete floor while also protecting it from dust, stains and general wear and tear, Watco’s Powerfloat Sealer is said to save time, offer low maintenance and leave polished concrete floors looking exceptional.

Power-float floors are the smooth and hard surface created by using a power-float machine, with a series of rotating blades, for smoothing and polishing a partially set concrete floor. The end result can be exceptionally attractive but needs protecting from stains, dust and wear. However the hardness of the surface will usually result in any coating failing to penetrate and eventually peeling off.

Consequently, most paint manufacturers insist that customers shot-blast their floor requiring additional preparation time and resulting in a textured surface often marked by ‘tramlines’.

Suitable for application directly to a power-float floor without grinding, etching or shot-blasting, Powerfloat Sealer is two-part epoxy resin product specially formulated to include a degree of flexibility ‘built-in’.  Special additives enable Powerfloat to bond with the smooth concrete surface, allowing the sealer to be applied directly to the floor by roller, while the inherent flexibility ensures the coating will not lift, chip or crack.

One coat is normally all that’s required to produce a tough, washable surface that preserves and enhances the naturally attractive look of polished concrete. And by remaining smooth, the floor becomes easy to clean and virtually maintenance free.

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