Mini spider cranes

GGR Group’s mini spider cranes have helped in the construction of Christie’s new ground-breaking Manchester Cancer Research Centre. A pair of UNIC spider cranes, URW095 & URW295 teamed up with GGR’s glass vacuum lifting equipment to help glaze the new £28.5m building.

GGR’s spider crane URW095 combined its lifting power of just under one tonne with the GL-UMC 600 glass manipulating robotic head to complete tricky glazing work on the sloping facades.

The highly flexible GL-UMC 600 is designed to attach directly to the UNIC crane boom, is independently powered and has electric actuators that allow precise movement of glass loads. It comes with 95° rotation, ±40° swivel and 120° tilt and can be operated via radio remote control.

UNIC URW295 was combined with our DSZ2 Slimline vacuum lifter for the large glass units. This dual circuit vacuum lifter comes with 360° continuous rotation and 90° tilt for safer, more effective handling of loads.

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