Yale’s new cold store reach truck on show

Yale Europe Materials Handling and distribution partner, Briggs Equipment, will put the focus on materials handling solutions for the perishable goods supply chain when they exhibit at the Temperature Controlled Storage & Distribution (TCS&D) show on 16 and 17 September.

With more than 100 leading industry suppliers on show at Peterborough Arena, this event offers a unique opportunity for anyone working in the sector to source and evaluate new products and solutions.

Yale’s new MR series cold store reach truck will be exhibited on the stand and visitors are invited to discover more about this innovative and technologically advanced equipment.

From its heavy-duty construction to its high-specification, cold-resistant cabling and waterproofed electrics, the cold store reach truck is purpose-designed to cope with extreme temperature fluctuations, condensation and ice. Meanwhile, drivers remain productive as they stay warm and comfortable in the enclosed, insulated cab fitted with a highly efficient heating and ventilation system and full suspension seat.

Yale brand manager, Iain Friar, says the cold store reach truck combines the class-leading features of the Yale MR series reach truck with functionality specifically designed for the challenging conditions of temperature controlled storage which can be as low as –30°C.

He says: “At Yale we put people and productivity at the heart of our product design and the cold store reach truck is the perfect illustration of this. We understand that by ensuring operators are comfortable and alert, they are able to maintain optimum productivity for longer.” 

Les Knight, Yale regional sales director at Briggs Equipment, says: “Perishable goods is a growth market so we are taking this opportunity to showcase with Yale the cold store MR series, which raises the benchmark for materials handling in chilled and frozen goods warehouses. 

“Long service intervals, commonality of components with other lift trucks in the Yale range and ease of access helps keep regular servicing costs down to ensure maximum equipment uptime.  All in all, the cold store MR offers class-leading performance in one of the harshest logistics environments with low lifetime costs.” 

Located on the Yale stand (G12), visitors to the exhibition will have an opportunity to discuss the kind of challenges they face and learn about Briggs Equipment’s ability to support them with a complete materials handling solution.

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