Corrosion attack halted
A leading pharmaceutical company in Maidenhead was experiencing severe chemical attack. The company required a solution that would repair the damaged floor areas and provide robust protection against future attack.
A two-part, corrosion resistant epoxy coating, Belzona 5811 (Immersion Grade) was applied to a trial area of 50m² for the client to determine its suitability. Due to the simple application method involving just an every-day roller, this coating system avoids the need to install specialist equipment thus keeping the application quick and simple, and downtime to an absolute minimum. Satisfied with the trial area, the customer proceeded with the application to the complete 2,000m² area.
As the existing polyurethane coating was in most part still intact and showed good adhesion to the substrate, only the areas where the floor was most exposed to the chemicals, such as drain areas and flow paths, were treated with the Belzona system.
First, all contamination and debris was cleared away. Once mixed, the first coat of Belzona 5811 was then applied in beige colour onto the prepared surface using a roller. After the first coat had been applied, the second coat was then brushed onto the substrate in grey colour to create a minimum thickness of 400m. This technique avoided the need for hot work as the system cures quickly at room temperature 20°C, reducing health and safety risks.
After five days, the substrate achieved a full mechanical cure and after one week the floor was ready to be subjected to chemical contact, saving the company valuable downtime.
The Belzona system successfully restored the protection on damaged areas of the floor, fortifying the substrate with excellent chemical resistance for many years to come. The cold curing properties of Belzona 5811 allowed for a rapid and safe application method with reduced health and safety risks.