Stommpy backs floor fixings with 5 year guarantee

The manufacturer is offering a 5 year guarantee against resulting floor damage due to a collision with any Stommpy barrier system.


The company says it is unusual for bollard manufacturers to offer a guarantee on floor fixings. The Stommpy barrier system consists of a Tecklene post with deep–floor anchoring called the FIXA Block System.
The system is also designed to prevent the egress of contaminants and can be specified in food and pharma applications. The barrier products are designed to bend but never break.

The company says: “The secret of the Stommpy shockproof bumper system is all about the balance between different components and between the strength and flexibility. It starts with the FIXA Block System, as an impact into a barrier is transferred to the fixer and uses the strength of the floor. This added to the strength of the threaded bar and the Tecklene bollard, which absorbs large amounts of energy on impact, elastically deforming without permanent deformation – this provides the successful balance. Stommpy holds patents on the system, which can withstand 34,500 joules on impact.”

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