Coupling solutions

Leading FMCG supply-chain operator, Fowler Welch, reports safe coupling across its fleet since using the latest fifth wheel and coupling solutions from Fontaine Europe.

With such a high distance travelled by the fleet – approx. 63 million kilometres each year – Fowler Welch requires a method of tractor-trailer coupling which is as close to ‘fail-safe’ as possible and guaranteed to keep driver handling to a minimum.

“We operate around the clock from 8 key depots in the UK,” says head of fleet Paul Allera, “and every day we experience a high drop and pick-up rate. The TechLock fifth wheel couplers we use from Fontaine have a unique jaw mechanism with a height sensor that will not allow the fifth wheel to close if the kingpin enters at the wrong height or position. Basically, this ensures 100% connection and takes away the need for drivers to check that the king pin is engaged. In other words, no contact-no couple – which means the days of mis-coupling are gone!”

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