Maintenance key to rack safety

Racking and storage solutions are a vital part of many operations across the UK, making the issue of good housekeeping and safe loading, paramount.

Matt Danhieux, designer at Rapid Racking offers some simple tips for the safe loading of shelving and racking solutions.




Uniformly Distributed Loads is often overlooked but in simple terms describes the way in which the load is spread across the surface area. An uneven weight distribution can negatively affect the stability of the racking and therefore the security of the items stored, which has significant safety implications.

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR) state that employers should take appropriate steps to indicate the weight of a load and, the heaviest part of the load to help mitigate against any risks posed from unevenly distributed loads.

The Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association (SEMA) advises that all racking should display a load notice at the end of the aisle. It’s important to note that these signs are operational and therefore designed to contain visual information that is easily and quickly understood. If you require help and advice to compile the information, we would recommend speaking directly to your racking supplier.

Rack protection should be fitted to conform to the SEMA Standards, paying particular attention to vulnerable posts at the ends of runs where forklifts turn. Steel protectors must be installed for single posts and end frames must be installed where forklift knocks are in use. When racking is positioned away from a wall, or adjacent to a pedestrian walkway, Anti-Spill Mesh should be fitted to prevent pallets being pushed through the rack.

Each and every site requires a responsible person to carry out weekly and monthly safety checks on racking and safety features. This is particularly important where material handling equipment is in operation due to the potential for damage. SEMA advises that racking posts, with as little as 3mm deflection on a 1m section should be replaced immediately if any damage is recorded.

This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but offers a taster of some of the factors which must be considered in the specification and ongoing operation of racking and storage solutions. My key advice to anyone considering a new installation, a retrofit or even general maintenance, is if in doubt, seek advice. We are happy to help.

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