HGV route control software

The latest route control software from Paragon Software Systems uses pre-set rules to automatically route HGVs clear of major public events and to ensure roads with lorry bans are avoided, lowering the risk of incurring penalty fines.

When approaching traffic hot spots or a congestion charge zone, most drivers can simply check their Sat Nav and look for the fastest alternative route to their destination. Truck drivers are not able to do this; their pre-planned routes are monitored to ensure they avoid HGV-restricted zones like the London Lorry Control Scheme (LLCS), and physical limitations like low bridges.

Paragon's Route Control software is set up with details of events using a simple calendar, which can be stored and re-used. Algorithms within the software then calculate the best driver schedules every time. In addition to major public events, the software can also be used to manage time-related local authority restrictions on HGVs in cities around the world, such as LLCS which bans lorries over 18 tonnes late in the evenings and during the weekends.  



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