Upgraded print capabilities for security seals

Posted on Friday 27 January 2023

JW PRODUCTS has improved its in-house printing capability with the introduction of new machinery that will provide customers with improved lead times for custom printed plastic seals.

The newly developed print machine is based around a multi-station indexing rotary table, each holding 20 seals per mould. The print head operates an ultra-long transfer roller with 300dpi print resolution, giving a high print quality with every print transfer.

Tom Beresford, general manager, said: “The development of our new machinery will provide a whole new level of customisation potential for our customers. The demand for improved lead time has motivated us to invest in cutting edge print capability that will allow us to bespoke print on a range of security seal types.

“This new system will enable us to produce around 10,000 printed seals per hour, with the option to increase this capacity to 15,000 per hour if required. This increases our total in-house print capacity by 50% and dispatch custom printed seals within 1-2 weeks. This will be ideal for customers who require plastic security seals quickly to replace stock or fulfil unexpected and unforeseen demand.”

The new machine was installed at JW Products factory in January and internal training was provided to key production staff for operating the software. The integrated software generates formatted print designs from artwork files and then incorporates it alongside the set sequential numbering ranges.    

John Walker, production manager, said: “The new machine gives us the ability to be quick with printing custom logos, barcodes and QR codes, images, text and serial numbering. The machine is robust, modern and requires minimal alterations for each print type – allowing for a streamlined production process and consistent print quality every time.”

JW Products are one of the largest UK manufacturer and suppliers of Security Seals and associated products including Tamper Evident Seals, Security Tapes and Labels and Cable Ties. The company has been servicing the seals industry for over 20 years and strives for consistent development to ensure customers receive the best service and prices possible.

Visit their online store and customise your chosen security seals at www.jwproducts.co.uk

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