Scanner for mobile payments

he way we pay for goods is changing and, according to Honeywell, in the near future, mobile phones will replace both credit cards and loyalty cards. With the launch of mobile payment offerings like Apple Pay and Google Wallet, the consumer can not only pay for goods with a simple tap, but at the same time receive earn loyalty points, discounts and promotions directly to their device.

The Honeywell Solaris 7980g scanner still reads traditional ‘flat’ barcodes that you find printed on paper (1D barcodes) but at the press of a button, it will read the new 2D barcodes that are displayed by electronic devices.

The scanner is said to have the strongest imaging technology on the market, and is able to read barcodes of any colour from any angle. A newly-developed white LED light, means days of being blinded by a bright red light the your scanner are over. Powered directly by USB, installation is also quick and easy.

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