Time for automation at IntraLogistex

Posted on Friday 3 February 2023

PACKAGING AUTOMATION specialist Sealed Air will be showcasing its wide range of protective packaging solutions at this year’s IntraLogistex show.

Taking centre stage on the stand will be the SEALED AIR brand I-Pack, an automated void reduction system for retail or e-Commerce order fulfilment. This boxing solution right-sizes corrugated cartons to each product, optimising material use whilst still providing optimum cushioning. Suitable for any order profile, the highly flexible system delivers more boxes per pallet or truck, saving on transport costs.

Sealed Air’s focus on automation continues with the popular range of AUTOBAG brand automated packing solutions that help to improve productivity in mail order fulfilment and primary packing solutions. These bagging systems include an integrated printer capable of printing high resolution graphics, text and barcodes directly onto the bags, saving both time and consumables.  Systems on display include the table-top AUTOBAG brand PS 125 and, for larger products, the AUTOBAG brand 850STM which can run bags up to 550mm wide.

Features such as secure bag opening and positioning, integrated printing and compact footprints makes the AUTOBAG brand range an essential part of any efficient fulfilment operation. 

Void fill and cushioning applications are represented by a selection of SEALED AIR brand and BUBBLE WRAP brand inflatable and paper packaging systems, including new films which are designed for recycling.

IntraLogistex takes place on 28-29 March at NEC, Birmingham, UK. Visitor registration at www.intralogistex.co.uk. Stand 800

For more information, visit www.sealedair.com

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