Driven by customers
STS Bespoke Handling Equipment specialise in solving manual handling problems and its designs are driven by customer requirements.
The company is willing to offer the majority of their UK product sales on a sale or return basis. This enables the customer to check the suitability of the design before agreeing to purchase. This reflects the STS desire to ensure the customer receives a solution to their problem and to work with the end-users beyond the initial point of enquiry.
An initial enquiry to the company by phone or via their website is followed by an outline proposal. A site visit by our technical engineers is then arranged to look more closely at the application. Concept drawings for consideration & approval move the proposal forward to manufacture for trial.
STS prides itself on creating units that are safe, efficient and versatile and the brand is recognised and valued by customers. All products are fully compliant with CE Directives, the Manual Handling Regulations and ATEX Directive if required for use in hazardous Zoned areas.
All products are manufactured in a new facility and dispatched direct to customers such as AkzoNobel, Hexcel Composites and Dow Chemicals as far away as Estonia, Japan and Vietnam.
The new STS brochure is now available – call 44-1736-851050 or email us on [email protected]