Grill your MHE suppliers on best practice
Impact, the UK’s sole distributor for Cat Lift Trucks, is urging companies to challenge the status quo with the publication of 10 Tough Questions to Ask Your Materials Handling Equipment Supplier, a booklet empowering businesses to grill suppliers on best practice – and detail the ideal answers they should expect.
Terry Kendrew, Impact managing director, says: “At Impact we know that investing in materials handling equipment is a big commitment, whether that’s purchasing just one reach truck or a fleet including forklifts, order pickers and pallet trucks.
“So, before parting with your hard-earned cash or committing to a long-term hire, we urge businesses big and small to consider the tough questions they should be asking – and the answers they should expect.”
The booklet is available to download free of charge from Impact’s website at, and can also be requested by calling 0800 169 9789.
The booklet pulls no punches when it comes to questioning materials handling equipment suppliers’ responsibilities, and includes tricky topics such as “Are you selling me the truck I need, or the truck you have in stock?”, and “If my business needs change mid-contract, will I be hit with a financial penalty to alter the type of trucks you supply me?”
Kendrew adds: “If your incumbent supplier isn’t up to scratch, these questions will expose their shortcomings, and allow companies to make informed business decisions.
“Even if it reveals nothing you didn’t already know, at least it confirms you’re on the right track,” Kendrew says. “More importantly, what could you stand to gain?”