Look at lifetime cost

HallmarkFix is a pallet truck repair specialist and insists it is expensive to simply ‘throw a pallet truck into Room 101 at the first sign of trouble’ before buying another.

The company argues it is worth looking after this workhouse of industry.

"The inexpensive answer is to service it regularly, repair it as necessary and substantially extend its working life," says HallmarkFix, "With a standard cost of £99 to visit site and service up to 3 trucks (including minor repairs) it starts to make sense.

The first visit is usually the most expensive as, after maybe years of neglect, it’s returned to fully working condition. It’s like getting new trucks for a fraction of the price. Ongoing visits are usually a lot cheaper.

"If you’ve got battered old trucks put to one side just waiting to go into the skip, why not give us a call and see how much you can save? If they’re really bad, we may be able to make a small number of good ones out of a larger number of bad ones but you’ll never know until you try!"

Call Clive on 0161 272 1900; [email protected]

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