Sweeping range

When it comes to how best to clean a large facility with a myriad of different cleaning requirements coupled with time, labour and budget constraints, Nilfisk can provide a range of sweepers to cope with all eventualities.

At the lower end of range are manual sweepers that will sweep 5 times faster than a traditional broom. Machines like the Nilfisk SM800 are very easy to transport in a car and are ideal for congested areas inside or out. The SM800 easily picks up paper, leaves and even small screws and bolts.

Right at the top end of the scale are machines like the Nilfisk SR2000, a serious approach to heavy duty debris. The SR2000 has a working width of 1670mm and a climbing rate of 21%. Importantly the SR2000 can carry over 800kg of debris and will dump to a height of 152cm.

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