Descartes acquires GroundCloud

Posted on Wednesday 15 February 2023

The logistics software firm has acquired GroundCloud, a cloud-based provider of final-mile carrier solutions and road safety compliance tools.

IT FOCUSES on final-mile logistics automation, combining operations, safety and compliance in an integrated platform. Final-mile carriers leverage the platform to receive customer delivery orders, plan and execute routes against those orders, train and monitor drivers on safety and performance, manage assets and resources, and analyse the operating efficiency of their business. GroundCloud’s platform also incorporates video telematics to provide driving event detection and verification, combined with reactive coaching solutions designed to improve safety.

Descartes chief commercial officer Andrew Roszko says: “Final-mile carriers need a holistic approach to operations, safety and compliance.

“This challenge is even more complex for the thousands of subcontracted delivery service providers working as agents for larger carriers. GroundCloud helps ensure seamless operations, end-to-end visibility, and standards of safety and compliance are met, including helping final-mile carriers comply with the various safety mandates of large transportation brands.”

Descartes CEO Edward J. Ryan, adds: “We see a tremendous opportunity to leverage GroundCloud’s safety content and compliance solutions across a wider set of industry verticals in our routing and mobile customer base.”

For more information, visit

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