RollerDrive on show
Rulmeca will showcase rollers, motorised pulleys and RollerDrive at CeMAT 2016, in Hannover, from 31st of May – 3rd of June 2016.
The company, with HQ in Italy, and 22 companies around the world is entering a new building in Italy to improve production throughput and give an improved service with better delivery times.
Rulmeca has also passed the certification for drum motors according to UL 1004-1 for the plant located in Aschersleben, Germany. For the first time Rulmeca drum motors with diameter range 80mm to 320mm can be certified for the North American market. Since many European manufacturers supply their equipment to end customers in the USA, the listing in the UL database facilitates the approval of the complete machinery installation with Rulmeca drum motors. The "Certificate of Compliance " has UL Document Number: E471906.
Rulmeca is a manufacturer with experience in the design of drum motors and offers its drum motors with sealings in various IP protection levels including IP66/69k– the highest protection rate for most demanding cleaning purposes in food industries.
It is a 2 in 1 protection level because IP69k does not automatically include IP66: with IPX6 powerful water jets from a distance of 3 meters (12.5 mm nozzle) with 100 litres per minute and a pressure of 1 bar (1,000 hPa) against the enclosure from any direction for 3 minutes have no harmful effects on the system. The IPX9K delivers protection against powerful high temperature water jets. Systems are protected against close-range, high pressure and high temperature spray downs. The water volume is lower with 14–16 litres per minute but the pressure is higher with 80–100 bar (80,000–100,000 hPa) at a much closer distance of 0.1–0.15 m and a water temperature of 80°C.