Pallet Safe provides solid frame

A27 Engineering from County Armagh has designed an innovative and easy way to stack pallets in transport containers, and in final destination locations such as warehouses and stores which is said to save time and money.

Pallet Safe is patented and has been designed by company managing director, David Wright. It provides a solid frame around pallets, optimising the packing process while providing a safer solution to the transportation of goods and warehouse storage.

“We are very excited about the launch of this new product which we feel will allow us to significantly grow our engineering business both at home and in markets outside of the Province,” said David. “The system is very versatile which makes it suitable for use in a number of different industry sectors, ranging from agri-food to construction.”

The company has recently secured it’s first order supplying a number of units to Strathroy Dairy in Omagh.

“The Pallet Safe system is ideally suited to the transportation of perishable goods such as milk and liquid foods,” continues David. “Using our system has enabled Strathroy Dairy to significantly increase loading capacity on its transport vehicles, and as well as helping the company to save money, it has also helped them to reduce their carbon footprint.”

“Pallet Safe has been a tremendous asset to us,” adds Aidan McCarron, operations director at Strathroy Dairy. “In areas that we have utilised the system, which is quick and easy to assemble, traffic leaving the plant on this route on a weekly basis has been reduced by almost a third.”

“It’s not just the dairy sector that can benefit from Pallet Safe,” continued David. “We feel the opportunities for our system in the marketplace are virtually endless.”

Manufactured from steel, each unit simply clips together and can be assembled in under two minutes. The top loading deck is comprised of aluminium which allows for easy handling.

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