Dehumidifiers improve storage conditions

The use of 13 Calorex dehumidifiers at a former WW2 storage facility near Bath is helping business services company Restore reduce energy consumption. It began re-engineering Monkton Farleigh Mine some 18 months ago.

The mine comprises 60 acres of tunnels and storage districts. The facility is now used by Restore for the highly secure storage of documents and archives.

John Ross, mine & facilities director at Restore explains: “The Calorex units were selected for their energy efficiency credentials, but also because of their manoeuvrability. The Calorex units provided the ideal size and output for use in the facility which has tight space constraints.”

The Calorex DH600 dehumidifiers are capable of removing 600 litres of moisture from the air a day.
Dehumidification re-circulates air and physically removes moisture from it. Typically, as a by-product of the dehumidification process, for every unit of energy that a Calorex dehumidifier consumers, it will convert 2.5 times this amount to useable heat.

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