Durable resin flooring for snack foods factory

Efficiency and safety under foot in a snack food factory is high priority when it comes to deciding a new floor.

In addition, various types of daily traffic travels through the processing and packaging areas making it imperative for the flooring to be durable.

John Lord was commissioned to manufacture and install a suitable flooring for a snack food factory, which had different requirements from room to room. In the processing areas the factory required a high anti-slip flooring grade for maximum safety under foot during their cleaning regimes and if any spillages occurred. In the packaging areas the factory required a smoother but durable floor surface than the processing areas, which allowed trolleys, crates and pallet trucks to move easily over while transporting the snack food product.

The factory wanted to divide the processing and packaging areas, and create walkways around the factory to safely guide pedestrian traffic around the facility and importantly away from the machinery and operating areas. John Lord provided the factory with a range of bespoke colours to choose from to highlight these areas. The factory opted for a buff-yellow, green and terracotta, which created definition and reflected their company brand colours.

John Lord has a range of exclusive resin flooring products to suit your environment. For the food and drink industry, the Uragard polyurethane resin range is the recommended flooring option. Uragard provides excellent durability, cleanability, chemical and temperature resistance and has varying grades of slip resistance to suit your traffic requirements.

‘Specify Your Own Floor’ online to find the most suitable flooring system for your industry or contact our technical flooring team to discuss your requirements and receive our expert recommendation; 0161 764 4617, www.john-lord.com.

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