Prevent damage to stock
Companies involved in warehousing and logistics will be aware that damage to stock during handling and storage amounts to substantial costs.
"However, there is a reason more compelling than cost to invest in preventing damage," explains Carolyn Svahn of Practical Warehouse Solutions. "That is resultant slips, trips and halls. According to the Health and Safety Executive these represent more fatal and major/specified injuries to workers than any other injury kind. Working days lost are 1.5 million.
"Let’s bring the statistics closer to home. HSE categorises us within Transport and Storage which had the second highest recorded number of slips, trips and falls. While progress is being made, warehousing and logistics as more than three times the average number of incidents at 328 per 100,000 workers, compared to 108 per 100,000 overall. So our challenge is to act to prevent incidents," she concludes.
You can see StockSafe at IMHX Stand 9A08 or visit