New verision of Eirabot released

EiraTech, the Dublin based innovator of robotics solutions for warehouses and e-fulfilment centres, has announced the launch of EiraBot v4.

The new EiraBot features improvements, which are said to make it among the best performing automated guided vehicles (AGVs) on the market.

These include:

•  Twice the acceleration performance – significantly increasing the efficiency of the robots;

•  Improvements to suspension, for the smoothest operation under loads;

•  Additional on board camera for clearer positioning/centring under racks thus ensuring greater stability;

•  Increased battery life;

•  30% reduction in robot height, meaning more space for storage on the racks;

•  Enhanced safety features, including safety switch, safety bumper and additional proximity sensors.

“EiraBot v4 is now one of the best performing, most efficient and safest AGV robots on the market, and this, coupled with our ‘easy to deploy, easy to reconfigure’ model, is sure to appeal to systems designers, and e-fulfilment and 3PL operators,” says Alexey Tabolkin CEO EiraTech.  “These improvements in performance and safety features allows EiraBot to work right up to its industrial capacity, offering the best solution for e-fulfilment centres of all sizes”, he says. “By isolating the repetitive processes that can be done more efficiently by robots, it enables people to work at the speed of the robots, rather than having the robots work at the speed of people”.

The new EiraBot plays a central role in EiraTech’s solution for automation in warehouses, distribution centres and e-fulfilment centres.  A ‘goods to person’ solution – literally finding and bringing the correct goods, in the correct order, for pickers to fulfil orders  for dispatch – EiraTech eliminates 70% of personnel time wasted walking and searching for items, achieves 99.9% accuracy while simultaneously increasing ‘picks’ by six fold. 

Every EiraTech solution comes complete with its own fleet of ‘EiraBots’ – its award winning AGV robot – as well as flexible shelving racks designed to accommodate goods of all sizes, an easily integrated ordering management software and WiFi communications system.  The EiraTech system requires no built infrastructure – like rails or conveyors – to operate, leading to greatly reduced deployment times and costs for operators, as well as increased flexibility for expansion, contraction, or even moving premises

EiraTech is based at a state of the art development centre, including a simulated warehouse environment, in Dublin Ireland.

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