Builder’s merchant boosts driver ergonomics
When a forklift driver at Witzand Bouwmaterialen went on sick leave due to neck pains, the company brought in a camera system for the Linde H80 truck it uses.
The builder's merchant handles three to four trucks full of wood every day.
Office manager Jan Ribberink says: "The packages are full of wood, a metre long each, from the sawing mill. We grab them at the head and put them away at a height of 4 to 5 metres in our warehouse. We do that with a Linde H80, which has been adapted with a timber pack handler.”
Putting away a package of wood requires high concentration from the driver. The driver has to look diagonally past the packages in front of the forklift and securely place the package on the stand.
Jan adds: "One of our drivers is currently at home on sick leave. He wants to start working again, but he can no longer turn his neck or look upward without experiencing discomfort. The occupational health physician then advised to install a camera system on the forklift.”
The Orlaco camera system, installed by forklift supplier Hevotec, provides a proper view of the area in front of the package that’s in the timber pack handler. The footage on the display is clear and of high resolution.
The AMOS camera has been installed between the masts of the forklift, where it’s protected. Moreover, the Linde H80 has also been adapted with a rear view camera. When the driver of the forklift starts reversing, the display automatically switches to rear view footage.
"Due to the fact that there are no longer blind spots, warehouse safety increases. Besides that, the driver no longer has to turn its neck; which is very pleasant for all drivers. Working is much less taxing now,” adds Jan.