Pre-operational checks crucial part of fork lift maintenance

Pre-operational checks are a crucial part of the regular maintenance routine for forklift truck vehicles. These checks ensure equipment is deemed safe to use and help to ensure that you are meeting your safety and compliance requirements.

The TruckLOG TK5 system provides a fully automated pre-operational check to make sure forklifts trucks, and other vehicles, are not used without having to go through the vehicle checklist. 

TruckLOG’s features include:

• Programmed warnings.

• Minor Fault – warning only so the truck can still be used but the fault is reported.

• Major fault – the forklift truck is deemed unfit for use ‘VOR’ (vehicle off road). 

• Pre-operational failures – sent directly to the manager’s or engineer’s home page which allows engineers to be alerted to fault issues immediately, backed up by email or message alerts. 

• Checklist analysis – available for each vehicle and each driver allowing managers the ability to identify pre-check failure trends.

• Multi-language software – the languages can be programmed to the individual driver’s access control card so pre-operational checks appear in the correct language.

The system comes with a number of options, is fully automated, and requires the vehicle check to be carried out before allowing any driver to operate it. 

Davis Derby’s TruckLOG team are at IMHX 2016 – Stand 12W81.

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