CSL reaches new levels

Conveyor Systems Limited (CSL) will promote its full range at IMHX.

As well as the standard range of case/carton/tote handling conveyors, CSL’s other warehouse solutions include various methods of high speed merging/sortation, which combine and integrate both standard equipment such as switch sorters and transfers along with the use of latest technologies. CSL can offer high speed strip belt merges, switch sorters, intralox active roller sorters (DARB/ARB) as well as conventional cross belt sortation.

CSL will exhibit the energy efficient 24V non-contact accumulation conveyor (Zero Line Pressure/ZLP) in aluminum frames, which is ideal for the smooth transfer and accumulation of fragile, high value or irregular shaped products.

Also on display will be the most compact elevator products including the Qimarox Prorunner Mk1 and Ambaflex spiral elevator/ lowerator. Stand 10K39

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