Racking safety through sensor technology

Rack Sense from The Rack Group helps effectively monitor the impact levels to your pallet racking, aiming in turn to save on repair costs and improve the safety of your warehouse.

A sensor device, Rack Sense is attached to the inside of a pallet racking upright. Once there it monitors the impacts levels to the upright and notifies warehouse staff of any impacts in real time.

Before Rack Sense, pallet racking damage often went undetected and forgotten, until a yearly inspection highlighted the danger and the need to replace or repair the damage. This has always meant that a potentially catastrophic issue with the pallet racking could be missed for upwards of a year.

Rack Sense is capable of highlighting impacts in real time and sending the location, time, date and impact velocity to any tablet, phone or email account. This system also notifies warehouse teams to the potentially damaged leg through an inspection iPad. This allows users to inspect the damaged leg and enter any information they see fit, such as impact levels, images, general housekeeping notes and much more. This information is then logged along with the initial impact data to a secure “Rack Cloud” server which can be accessed on any device, anywhere. This information can then be generated into reports or even sent to third parties to be quoted for repairs.

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