Prevent inadvertent machinery startup

To prevent the inadvertent startup of dangerous machinery, Fortress Interlocks has developed an extracted key adaptor for use with its robust amGardpro, amGardS40 (IP69K) and mGard interlock ranges.

By forcing an operator to extract the safety key when operating an interlock, the adaptor ensures the key cannot be turned and left in place, inadvertently re-starting machinery. 

It is designed to be kept with the operator, ensuring any access points cannot be closed and re-started while working in a hazardous area. Additional safety keys can be released following the forced extraction of the initial key, allowing the protection of multiple users at the same time. 

The extracted key adaptor utilises the ‘CL lock’, which has over 200,000 unique combinations, meaning it works with even the largest systems. It is also available with a padlockable dust cover to be compatible with standard lockout procedures.

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