Save floor space, go vertical

Vertical storage (toast racks) in manufacturing and distribution can be a valuable asset in creating space efficient work areas.

High volumes of inventory can be stored efficiently, even in sensitive environments where it is important to meet rigorous standards. For example in the pharmaceutical, health and beauty care sectors. 

Toast Racks are a storage solution that can recover up to 80% of the available floor space currently occupied by horizontal storage. Delicate items designed for vertical positioning are said to be most effectively stored and transported using mobile toast racks. Vertical storage will not only reduce damage and eliminate wasted space, but with the addition of roller tracks at the base, provide easy mobility, reduce over-reaching and give staff access to products with minimal effort. 

Toast racks can be assembled and configured to match specific requirements using a wide range of standard interchangeable components. Solutions can be modified very quickly using basic tools with little or no additional capital investment. This makes them suitable for handling items where adaptability, flexibility and efficiency are required to support best practice and performance improvement.

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Logistics Matters