Geoff Martin appointed CFTS Chairman

Geoff Martin has been appointed chairman of CFTS – the UK’s first national scheme for the Thorough Examination of fork lift and warehouse trucks. In doing so he succeeds Mike Mathias, Managing Director of Toyota Material Handling UK.

A director of Jofson, Mitsubishi approved dealers for the Midlands and Manchester regions, Geoff Martin has worked in the materials handling industry for more than two decades and is also a director of the Fork Lift Truck Association (FLTA).

“It is a privilege to be appointed chairman of the CFTS board,” said Mr Martin. “Our quality controlled procedure has earned the respect of fork lift owners and operators across the country who look upon the CFTS kite-mark as clear evidence that their trucks are safe, legal and comply fully with HSE requirements.

“I would like to thank my predecessor Mike Mathias for all his commitment and hard work as CFTS continues to go from strength to strength. We now have more than four hundred and fifty companies accredited to the CFTS scheme with more joining all the time.  It is vital that we provide the support they need to provide the best possible service and to monitor quality standards so we retain our pre-eminent position among the truck using public. 

“An example of that drive for ever higher standards was seen recently with the introduction of an expanded and enhanced version of the CFTS inspection checklist introduced specifically to monitor the safety of temporary attachments. Working with leading attachment manufacturers and suppliers we have devised specific inspections for the security of attachment mounts along with winch and chain brake tests, checks for chain and sling wear, inspections for damage, checks on wear plates and warning signs, as well as an entirely new checklist to cover platforms, safety cages and tail lifts.”

Mr Martin concludes: “I intend to build on Mike Mathias’ outstanding contribution and work closely with the CFTS team to deliver even greater support to our accredited companies and the highest possible quality of Through Examinations to those who own and operate forklift trucks.”

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