Early design collaboration brings dividends

Posted on Tuesday 4 April 2023

ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, has supplied a suite of entrance systems for Gemini8 Business Park in Warrington.

Gemini8 Business Park is a 119,600 sq ft development brings 18 new high specification Grade A units to the market.

To maximise the potential of the new industrial site, ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems worked closely with Manchester-based AEW Architects from the initial stages of the project, ensuring design elements could contribute to everyday functionality alongside green credentials.

Several of the buildings on site are designed to utilise the ground floor space as a warehousing area, with office space elevated on a mezzanine level situated at the front of the buildings. While this makes the space more practical for occupants, it did pose a challenge in the initial design stages. 

Overhead sectional doors were specified in the design to provide excellent access to each unit, but AEW needed to be certain they could be operated properly and safely – even with the mezzanine level situated directly above leaving a gap of just 475mm to accommodate the mechanisms for the door.

“Identifying the potential difficulties so early on in the planning stages is a true testament to the foresight and expertise of AEW. It meant we could work with them to develop a solution which would work for the buildings and their occupants,” said Ian Norburn, business development manager at ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems. “To overcome this challenge we developed a track arrangement which would retain the door’s springs and motor assembly at the door head, working within the parameters of the door and mezzanine level.”

The door’s track arrangement is designed to support the efficient operation of the door, smoothly guiding it upwards when required. Typically, components such as the spring package would be set just above the door, however, with limited space available beneath the mezzanine, another solution was required.

The 20 overhead sectional doors deliver a U-value of 1.1w/m2K, and Gemini8 reached practical completion in Autumn 2022.

For more information, visit www.assaabloyentrance.com/uk/en

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