T&D Corporation, a Japanese market leader for wireless data loggers, presents the new TR4 series for temperature monitoring.
Operating with low energy Bluetooth 4.0 and without the need for pre-registration, loggers within the communication range are instantly detected and automatically refreshed by mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Records can be monitored or stored in the free of charge, cloud-based T&D WebStorage Service with the help of two apps, available for iOS and Android.
The TR4 series comprises three competitively priced models, two of them waterproof. Each model provides different sensor types and measurement ranges to serve diverse application requirements: the TR41 covers temperature measurements from -40 to 80°C (waterproof, internal sensor); the TR42 measures from -60 to 155°C (waterproof, external sensor), while the TR45 for industrial use is available for thermocouple types K, J, T, S covering -199 to 1.700°C or for types Pt 100/Pt 1000 with a range of between -199 and 600°C.