Modular steel system

A major consideration in the creation of industrial ergonomic working environments is to promote workspace efficiency and productivity.

According to The Tube & Bracket Co, modular handling and storage systems allow users to create ergonomic installations that require fewer and shorter movements to access, retrieve and replace a component or assembly than traditional working environments. These small savings contribute to improved productivity while reducing the risks associated with repetitive or unnecessary handling.

The Leantek Classic range is a traditional steel tube and bracket system, invented by Trilogiq. Although composite systems are rapidly replacing steel in many scenarios, the company continues to support customers using steel systems.

It says that manufacturers can accommodate a massive increase in workloads by installing new live storage racks built from modular components, with the project completed quickly and no delays in production.

In addition, modular storage promotes low total lifetime cost of ownership because components are inexpensive and reusable. Making small modifications to your process or activity whenever required is easy to implement, so temporary modular solutions are also justifiable. Components can be reused once a project is completed meaning that the initial investment is not lost when the installation is adapted.

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