Cost effective warehouse barriers
Barriers perform a somewhat straight forward task in a warehouse. They are there to create an obstacle that prevents movement or access – mostly to prevent the movement of MHE from hitting numerous items including people.
Modern barriers such as the Rack Armour plastic barrier system are no different, they are there simply to protect and prevent catastrophic impacts from occurring.
The company says: “You could be mistaken though with some plastic barrier providers for ‘over egging the pudding’ somewhat but while designing the Rack Armour barrier range, we decided to concentrate on creating an efficient, tough product range that doesn’t cost the earth.
“Like most great product ranges we started with the basics. In this instance this was our end of aisle barrier for pallet racking protection. Word soon spread of the efficiency and pricing of this range of barriers and we soon had major brands contact us looking for alternatives.”
Rack Armour has developed an extensive pedestrian barrier range.
The Rack Group
01226 784 488