EBT opens Southwest logistical hub
As a further example of its on going expansion, ECOBAT Battery Technologies (EBT), formerly Manbat, has moved into a new, purpose built 15,000 sq ft facility in Bristol.
The hub will help it satisfy the increasing demand for its range of premium quality batteries and charging solutions across its multiple business sectors.
Over the years, Bristol has been central to the company’s sustained growth and the city has long been the site for one of its busiest regional hubs, which has spearheaded many of its business developments, from the early introduction of leisure products, to its move into the industrial sector.
“From both a geographical and corporate perspective, our Bristol based operation has been very important to the growth of the business as a whole,” said an EBT spokesman, “which is why we needed to move to a property that will allow the business to continue to develop and provide the support our valued customers need and deserve, over the next phase of the company’s history."
In addition to its new regional hub, EBT is beginning to roll out its new branding on its fleet of delivery vehicles, which is another extremely beneficial string to EBT’s wide ranging, customer focused bow. “Having our own fleet of vehicles ensures we are able to deliver the products our customers need, when they need them,” the spokesman continued, “which is an essential part of our customer focused approach to business. In their latest guise, the fleet also do a great job of raising awareness of our pan-European branding and our power of partnership business ethos.”
The recently launched VERTU is a key product for EBT.
Although the initial investment in the VERTU system would be slightly higher than using standard systems, the savings and benefits to users are substantial, which means the payback period of the additional investment is very short.
Using the example of a medium 48v single shift (a single battery and charger) counterbalance truck, operators can expect fifth-year real cost net savings of almost £2,000, with a payback time of less than 2 years. The cost saving gains become even more favourable when a VERTU system is used on a double shift operation (two batteries and one charger), which will save more than twice that amount over the same five-year period and deliver a payback time of only six months.