So what does the Election of June 2017 actually mean?

Post election shake-up for Skills and Apprenticeships role.

Without being particularly political, I am very interested in politics. 

I’ll admit it, I found the General Election fascinating. What seemed like a probable landslide for the Conservatives at the beginning, clearly changed during the campaign. In the end I was surprised that people were surprised when the exit poll was announced.  By election day it was clear to me that it was going to be close.  

The more Jeremy Corbyn went back to his natural environment of addressing crowds and communities the more I thought he moved away from the caricature where he had seemed unelectable.  Likewise, the more Theresa May moved away from her comfort zones and actually spoke to the public and interviewers the less convincing she looked.

But let’s be honest.  They were lucky to be up against each other weren’t they?

What was surprising was that Scotland effectively delivered a Conservative UK government.  Without those 12 seats we would be in a very different game.  

So what does the future hold?  All I know is that when something starts to crack it’s very hard to stop.  And that’s what it feels that we have right now, a Prime Minister with less authority than she used to have.  For me I struggle to see how Theresa May will fight another General Election campaign as leader of the Conservatives.

If my thoughts on the macro political situation are based on amateur sleuthing, then something I can say with certainty is how disappointing it was that the Skills and Apprenticeships Minister, Robert Halfon was sacked following the election.  As I understood it, he was passionate about his role and was both hard working and diligent in staying on top of his brief.  

If strong and stable is what we all surely crave, I was particularly disappointed to see chop and change (again) in Skills and Apprenticeships!  

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